Setting boundaries at work.

K Cam
2 min readOct 21, 2021

Chances are if you’re a people pleaser like me you over promise. Now, I almost always follow through on my promises but I take on way too much to the point where it burns me out. I’m doing everything that everyone asks me to to do to the point where I lose focus on time to do my job properly. At work, I’m the first one to the door when the doorbell rings, I’m the one asking customers if they need a hand, if my coworker needs a hand I’ll stop what I’m doing and help. If something small needs to be done I’ll do it right away. My biggest issue, I don’t know how to say no. Or more accurately I don’t say no enough.

I’ve realized I need to schedule time in my day to do the important things. If I have someone planned already even if it’s time to double check my work that I time that’s important so I can get my job done properly. Because I now prioritize that I need to turn away anything that interferes with that.

I’ve decided to break my day into three categories. First half of the day is getting my main work done that needs to be done that day. The 3rd quarter of my day will be filled with doing important work that isn’t urgent. The last chunk of my day will be double checking my work and making sure that I didn’t miss anything.

Now, you don’t have to do things my way but I think it’s important to set up realistic expectations and boundaries for yourself. If something doesn’t fit in or will affect your schedule you need to say no. The more things you do for others the less time you have for yourself. There nothing wrong with doing things for others but there needs to be a balance. Yes, you might be able to physically still help the person but if it’s burning you out you might need to reconsider.

To conclude I recommend just taking a look at your day, figure out what’s important and focus on those things. Make a plan and stick to it. Don’t let other people change that schedule for you. Even if you need 10 minutes at the end of your day to wind down at work and clean off your desk or have a glass of water. If someone asks if you are busy at the moment you say “Yes, yes I am”. That is your time that you scheduled and it is necessary for your mental heal and wellbeing. That’s more important than anything.

Share any similar experiences in the comments below. Hope you have a great day. Thanks for reading.



K Cam

Stories, poetry, life experiences, ideas. This is my creative outlet. Follow me if you enjoy.